Monday, May 9, 2011

Cinco de Mayo meeting

Sam and Scott. Sam likes fluorescents even his in drinks.

Trudie and Emma- margarita time

Kim, Regina and Victoria. Good times, good times.
It was a lovely evening for some patio chicken watching and margaritas. Thank you, Marissa, for hosting! This meeting was great to get to know each other more and brainstorm ideas we want to work with. I'm posting a general list of things we talked about- if I forgot some, please add on in the comments!

1. Time of exhibition- we are thinking Jan/Feb might be too cold and too expensive with heating bills. We all seemed to agree May/June would be better.
2. Do we still want a house? Or store-front? There are pros and cons to both. Here is the Lancaster County Assessor site- you can look up who owns what building or home. One of our ongoing assignments is to check out spaces, take pictures, do some research, call people, etc. Don't be afraid to initiate if you find something you think would be perfect!
3. Grants. Hixson-Lied Undergrad deadline is Oct 1, Graduate is Dec 1. There are also numerous other grants we need to look into over the summer.
4. The success of Ying's recent call for a sewing circle got many of us thinking. What was an overwhelming task (covering a room with tiny paper towel pillows) was made possible-- and perhaps more enjoyable-- with extra hands.
5. This led to ideas such as covering the Great Plains Art Museum's statue with clothing, yarn-bombing, clean graffiti and guerilla gardening.

6. Then we had to bring it back... what issues do we want to discuss? Why are we here? How are we engaging in feminist dialog? Who do we want to talk to?

And that's what we talked about for the remaining time. What our beef is with the world and why we want to change things. We don't have an official meeting time for June but Wendy has offered to teach us crocheting which is very exciting- thank you!

Until then, consider posting on the blog as your "assignment." 

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