Monday, June 20, 2011

Work and Gender

I've been tracking this blog, Les Femmes Folles, for awhile now-- it's very simple interviews with Nebraska women in the arts. It began not long after we began our Womanhouse meetings. I'm especially intrigued by the answers to the question she asks everyone: "Do you think being a woman has made any impact on your career?" A sampling:

"Has my talent been judged by the sway in my hip or the curve of my lip? The list could go on and on but it’s not good feminism to hold on to such things."

"Wow, that is a touchy subject right now. Yes, I absolutely think it has had an impact."

"I’m not interested in being an angry feminist or subservient maid..."

"I think for the women of my generation it’s not all about getting a woman in the White House (which I’m completely in favor of), it’s more about a girl being the funniest kid in school, or not having to be a tomboy to be as cool as the boys."

"Certainly being a woman has its own set of challenges, but I don’t know that I’d write any differently if I were a man. But since I don’t know what that particular experience is like either, I can’t really say. (How’s that for a non-committed answer?!)"

"Yes, I mean I have definitely encountered sexism in my industry, but I simply choose not to continue my relationships with those people.  You would be surprised at how quickly you can weed them out.  But mostly, I feel that I have my career because I am female.  My work simply wouldn’t be the same if I didn’t come from a distinctly feminine perspective."

"You know….. I’m honestly not sure if it has. My path has more so been dictated by passion and a deep sense of civic responsibility than gender. My heart has ruled my career choices..."

The overwhelming feeling I get from these responses is we don't want gender to rule over our personalities and ambition--our selves. Sometimes it does, but we either shouldn't focus on it or we should stick to the positives. Is this part of a push to become more gender-neutral in the arts or is it more disassociation from "angry" feminism (I wonder what good feminism is)? How often do you think about your own gender and balancing the (culturally perceived) feminine and masculine traits in your work and career choices?

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Womanhouse does some yarn bombing

As Womanhouse's first project draws to a close, let's look back at some pictures! Thanks to all who participated! It was great fun and great practice for the proposed future project of clothing downtown statues.